Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Crossover Performance - Microsoft Office

Hey everyone, I originally posted this thread in the Mac Applications section but atfer 500+ views I did not get any feedback so I am posting here as well:

I have been searching here and on Google but have not found the information I am looking for.

I have a copy of the windows version of Microsoft Office 2007 and was planning on installing it on my new 13" rMBP via Crossover as an alternative to using parallels. Questions I have before doing so:

1. How does Office perform via Crossover?

2. How would the software look on the retina screen? I.E. does it look bad/blurry as I doubt it is optimized for the higher resolution screen?

3. Would all functions of the software perform as it would in Windows? Such as Excel plug-ins, etc. Also, how does the installation of plug ins work?

Crossover sounds like a better option to me because I will not be using any other windows software and I would save a decent amount of space on the SSD (please correct me if this is not true).


Source: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=1616368&goto=newpost

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