Sunday, August 19, 2012

Power List

Hero: Awakening

The human population has started to evolve. For some strange reason, on the day of the eclipse, several people develop strange and supernatural powers. But a shadow looms over this strange event.....


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Current People with matching powers:

Matthew Reed: Telekinesis - Movement of objects with your mind

Jonathan Reed: Molecular Control - With this ability, Jonathan can control all forms of molecules. At this current stage he can only slow them down to the point where objects and people around him are moving far slower than himself. This aspect of the power does not work on others like him for some reason. Though it is quite weak now, his power has the potential for so much more.

His only weakness is that he cannot use his power if his hands are held still. He activates his power by gesturing with his hands so if he cannot move his hands he is virtually powerless.

Alexandria Tamon: Terrakenesis - The ability to control and manipulate Earth

Katerina Romany: Thermokinesis - Natasha is able to project, control and generate cold ice and water (using hands or weakly through the body) She can use blasts, waves, and bolts or sprays or whatever means she is able to imagine (some may not work at her current level)

Ryan Collins: Reality Warping - Ryan can bend, distort or even shatter the laws of reality, but it is extremely hard and it goes around that his belief of what he beleives is reality. Although this ability sounds impressive, it is largely unuseful, as he has to beleive in it 100% and doing simple tasks requires a immense amount of effort, especially since he's just coming into his abilities. For example he couldn't alter the whole Earth let alone the Universe, but he can alter small areas and impose his will in this area and others, and he couldn't exert his will for long since it is severely draining, almost lethally draining. He could do this to a small area for a few minutes, before having to stop and he can also do weird feats that defy reality. If he overuses his ability, he'll cause physical harm to himself, mostly in the form of seizures

Nadia Jones: Inability to die - It is uncertain whether this is regeneration, enhanced healing, or plain immortality. She can be wounded, but if she is killed, she will come back to life and the fatal injury will be healed. This ability happens by itself, whether Nadi wants it to or not, and she cannot manipulate it. However, in theory, she could be able to extend her ability to those around her, rending them temporarily immortal as well. It might also be possible to convert her ability into a type of healing power.

Liam Banks: Invisibility - He can make himself invisible at will, and sometimes unwillingly, as well as the clothes on him. He can also sometimes make small objects invisible as well, so long as he is touching it. In theory, he could make many things invisible at will, without touching it. It is unknown whether he can make force fields yet

Adrian Mills: Photokinesis - The ability to manipulate light, creating bright flashes or a lack of light, able to change the properties of light particles(i.e. color, size, speed, etc

Claire Mills: ? - able to speak to people only she can hear but can never see, people who lead her and her father to safety. The most prominent one is the voice of a girl who calls herself Claire as well

CatwomanSolis Haven: Feline Traits - Sol possesses the traits of a feline, such as superb balance, hearing, vision, and even smell. She can see in the near-dark, when other humans would be blind, and hear sounds outside the normal human range. Her skin is particularly sensitive, allowing her to feel air currents to an amazing degree of specificity, though she doesn?t seem to find it useful thus far. She also has very sharp retractable nails, can perform extraordinary jumps, and survive falling from 7 stories without injury, though she doesn?t know that yet.

Claire Bennet Lilith Ross: Rapid Cell Regeneration. Lilith's body can heal any injuries in a matter of seconds, and she is immune to any known illness. Her liver metabolises alcohol and other drugs faster than the average human, making it hard for this young woman to become intoxicated. She is not invulnerable to pain, and can be subdued by concussion or devices similar to taser guns. ?It is possible to kill Lilith by severing the connection between her brain and the rest of her body, but if reconnected in any way, will kick start the healing process again.?


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